Guess the Game Time Temperature on Super Sunday and win a Free Exergen Thermometer

The Big Game is coming up on Sunday (February 6) with Pittsburgh taking on Green Bay in Arlington, TX, visit and if you guess the correct gametime temperature announced on Westwood One’s national radio broadcast  (on the field of play), you’ll win a free Exergen TemporalScanner thermometer.  Exergen has been a proud sponsor of the Game-Time Temperature announced during Westwood One’s national radio broadcasts all year long. And pioneered the sponsorship as becoming the first advertiser ever to sponsor a game time temperature in sports, including last year’s Big Game with New Orleans and Indianapolis.

Be sure to submit your guess at least 30 minutes prior to the game’s kickoff (6:30 PM EST). For additional details and a full list of rules be sure to visit

Past weekends the number of TemporalScanner winners was equal to the degree of temperature at game time in Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Chicago,  Foxboro and Honolulu (and also given away to the local United Ways).  Sunday’s field temperature will be much warmer than Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Chicago,  and Foxboro which means that there will be more chances to win (i.e. if it’s 70 degrees F the first 70 correct guesses win)! So enter your guess now for a chance to win, think warm for the rest of the winter, and if you do catch cold or flu symptoms, visit our Cold and Flu Season Resource page! Have a Super Sunday!!

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