ParentHealthy Reviews The Exergen TemporalScanner

Erinn of ParentingHealthy recently reviewed the Exergen Smart Glow TemporalScanner Thermometer. She notes at first that kids are always getting sick at the worst time; looking back on her son’s first birthday party where he woke up crying with his forehead very warm. She was away from home and didn’t have a thermometer to check the temperature of her child. She says ever since that moment, she realized that she needs to carry a thermometer around with her wherever she goes, and the thermometer she chooses is the Exergen TemporalScanner.

She notes all of the prominent features of the thermometer: The softly illuminated display which she claims is perfect for checking the temperature of a sleeping infant in a dark room, the low beeping sound that the thermometer makes when it obtains a reading, and the fact that it retains the last eight temperature readings for easy recall to check fever progression. She warns her readers again at the end that they should always carry a thermometer with them when away from home, as you never know when you’ll need it.

Read more about this Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer review


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