Mommy’s Block Party Reviews the Exergen TemporalScanner

Blogger Ondria of Mommy’s Block Party has recently reviewed the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer. For Ondria, taking the temperature of her child has always been a pain. It’s hard for her to get an accurate reading when her child is squirming, flailing, and throwing a fit. She notes how important it is to check for a fever when a child doesn’t feel well, writing that it could mean the difference between a day at home and a day in the hospital.

With the Exergen TemporalScanner, Ondria had found a solution to her problems. After demonstrating how easy to use it was on herself, her son had no reservations of letting her try it on him. She found that the readings it gave were accurate and she would trust it for temperature readings in the future. With a baby on the way, she is excited to have found a thermometer that is easy to use and she can trust. She writes, “If you’re looking for a reliable thermometer for your family, I highly recommend Exergen!” Along with her review, Ondria provided the steps needed to get the thermometer ready to use along with pictures of the product. She also includes facts about the product, notable features, and gift ideas.

Read the full Exergen Thermometer Review

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