My Crazy Savings Exergen TemporalScanner Review

Blogger Courtney of My Crazy Savings recently reviewed the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer. Adopting a child soon, she is in need of a reliable digital thermometer. She notes how much things have changed in the last seven years. When her girls were little there were barely any digital thermometers available, but now there are many to choose from and at low prices.

Courtney loves her Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer.  “It’s super easy to use and my girls no longer have to sit and wait for the digital (under the tongue) thermometer to read,” she writes. She notes all of the thermometers prominent features: The softly illuminated display, the light beeping sound when a reading has been picked up, the ability to retain the last eight readings, and the ability to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit. She also points out that it is the number one preferred thermometer of nurses and pediatricians.

Read her full Exergen Thermometer Review