

Exergen Thermometer Reviewed By 2 Kids and a Coupon Blog

marzo 19, 2012

The 2 Kids and a Coupon blog has posted their positive review of the Exergen TemporalScanner. The blooger shares how she appreciates the scanners ease of use and the fact that it provides peace of mind for new mothers who are unprepared for the difficulties in being a “in-house doctor.” She says, “We’ve been using […] Read More →

Exergen Temporal Thermometer Giveaway

marzo 19, 2012

Congratulations Bernice on winning your very own Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer! For additional product information visit Below is a short audio clip of the announcement!

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Exergen Thermometer Reviewed By 2 Boys + 1 Girl = One Crazy Mom

marzo 14, 2012

The 2 Boys + 1 Girl = One Crazy Mom blog posted their positive review of the Exergen TemporalScanner. The blogger notes that she has been using the scanner for the past six years because she trusts its accuracy.  She recommends it to her readers saying, “Two thumbs up, most definitely; we have used this […] Read More →

The Exergen Temporal Thermometer Makes Mom Happy Too

marzo 5, 2012

The Exergen Temporal Thermometer was recently featured in Akron Ohio Moms. Cindy explained that sometimes when her children were sick, they would voice that it was painful to take their temperature in their mouths or armpits. After trying a Exergen Temporal Thermometer, Cindy described how to use one and also listed some of the attributes […] Read More →

Exergen Love Bug Winner Jennifer Willis does well but doesn't win the Grand Prize

febrero 29, 2012

She submitted her ballots and as the winners were announced on Sunday night,  she sat biting her nails in anticipation of guessing all 24 winners correct and taking home two automobiles and a trip to Hawaii. And if she didn’t hit them all she’d have a chance at $500 with 20 out of 24.  One […] Read More →

Congratulations to the Exergen Love Bug Temperature Challenge Grand Prize Winner

febrero 17, 2012

Jennifer Willis from Arizona is the grand prize winner. She got to take home the $1,000 Tiffany’s Gift Card. And now has a chance to win 2 – $50,000 cars and a trip to Hawaii, if her guesses for all 24 of the category winners at next Sunday’s Movie Awards are correct.  If she gets […] Read More →

Exergen Temporal Thermometer is a Dream Come True

febrero 17, 2012

Exergen Temporal Thermometer is a Dream Come True Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer was recently featured in an article by Mama on a Green Mission. The author, April, described her recent experience with thermometers in her house over the winter as well as her opinion about the Exergen Temporal Thermometer. “It meets every want I mentioned […] Read More →

Exergen Thermometer Featured in Eco-Babyz

febrero 15, 2012

Exergen Temporal Thermometer was recently featured in Eco-Babyz. The author of Eco-Babyz shares her opinion regarding the Temporal Thermometer and why she thinks using this type of thermometer is better than using a rectal thermometer. This article also provides a detailed description of how to use Exergen Termporal Thermometer as well as some useful instruction […] Read More →

Exergen Provides Game Time Temperature During Super Bowl XLVI

febrero 10, 2012

Exergen was proud to provide the Game Time Temperature during Super Bowl XLVI telecast. Exergen’s Temporal Thermometer is designed to provide accurate temperatures by measuring the temperature of the skin’s surface over the temporal artery, located beneath the forehead. For additional information please visit Below is a short snippet from the game.

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febrero 1, 2012

A new survey from Harris Interactive shows that while the vast majority of Americans think it is important to know their temperature or that of a sick family member, very few respondents – less than ten percent – know what type of thermometer gives the most accurate reading. A full 93 percent of respondents say […] Read More →