Gov. Mitt Romney Tours Exergen Facility
Mitt Romney recently toured Exergen Manufacturing facility. You can view footage from his visit below:
Gov. Mitt Romney Tours Exergen Facility Leer más »
Mitt Romney recently toured Exergen Manufacturing facility. You can view footage from his visit below:
Gov. Mitt Romney Tours Exergen Facility Leer más »
Exergen provides time and temperature for a ESPN Baseball telecast. Exergen’s TemporalScanner provides accurate temperatures with a general forehead scan. You can view the video below:
Exergen Featured on ESPN Postseason Baseball Telecast Leer más »
The One Momma Saving Money blog has posted their giveaway of the Exergen TemporalScanner. You can find contest details here:
One Momma Saving Money Features Exergen TemporalScanner Leer más »
The Littles Rule the Roost blog has posted their review of Exergen’s TemporalScanner thermometer. You can locate the entire review here:
Littles Rule the Roost Reviews Exergen TemporalScanner Leer más »
According to a new survey, 244 pediatric specialists cited the ease of use and accuracy of the temperature readings produced by temporal artery thermometry over alternative thermometry methods including oral, ear, rectal and axillary, or underarm. You can read the entire article here:
Exergen Thermometers: Artery Thermometry Ranked #1 By Pediatricians Leer más »
According to a new study, 244 pediatric specialists cited the ease of use and accuracy of the temperature readings produced by Temporal Artery Thermometry over alternative thermometry methods including oral, ear, rectal and axillary, or underarm. You can read the entire article here:
According to a recent survey, 244 pediatric specialists cited the ease of use and accuracy of the temperature readings produced by temporal artery thermometry over alternative thermometry methods including oral, ear, rectal and axillary, or underarm. You can read the entire article here:
The Shining 2 Save Blog has posted their review of Exergen’s Temporal Thermometer. The review also provides product purchasing info. You can read the review here:
Shining 2 Save Reviews Exergen's Temporal Thermometer Leer más »
The ESavings Blog has posted their review and giveaway of Exergen’s Temporal Scanner. You can read the review here:
ESavings Reviews Exergen's Temporal Scanner Leer más » featured the Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer in a post for their Baby and Toddler Product of the week. They mention the product was picked for it’s outstanding design, ease of use, and accuracy. Darby explains, “Taking your child’s temperature has never been so easy. Forget about sticking an uncomfortable tool in a place that
Examiner Product of the Week: Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer Leer más »