Exergens Temporal Thermometer Featured on WOAI-TV

Exergen’s Temporal Thermometer was featured in a lifestyle segment on San Antonio’s WOAI-TV. The segment was centered on helpful cold and flu products and featured the Exergen thermometer as a ‘producer recommended’ selection.

As a new mother, the producer provided added equity to the TemporalScanner’s beneficial use:

“I have an 8 month old who was just sick…but trying to keep him still while I put something in his ear doesn’t work. I found the TemporalScanner and it’s very accurate. This is something that’s perfect for the kids, very easy to use. You can use it while they’re asleep.”

Exergen’s TemporalScanner is an effective tool for the cold and flu season that is accurate, easy to use, and particularly helpful to parents with young children. For more product information please visit www.exergen.com.

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