Exergen Love Bug Winner Jennifer Willis does well but doesn't win the Grand Prize

She submitted her ballots and as the winners were announced on Sunday night,  she sat biting her nails in anticipation of guessing all 24 winners correct and taking home two automobiles and a trip to Hawaii. And if she didn’t hit them all she’d have a chance at $500 with 20 out of 24.  One ballot missed the correct Leading Actor and Leading Actress and she got 17 correct. The spouse ballot had the Best Picture, Leading Actor, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress and more correct but missed the Leading Actress, Cinematography, and more to just miss the 20 of 24 by 2, with 18 correct. Well she gave it her all in a tough contest. Exergen would have loved to give away the 2 cars and trip. Maybe it will happen during the next contest. Congratulations Jennifer and thank you all for playing the Exergen Love Bug Virtual Temperature Challenge.  Stay tuned for more ways to win!

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