Exergen Thermometer Reviewed By 2 Kids and a Coupon Blog

The 2 Kids and a Coupon blog has posted their positive review of the Exergen TemporalScanner. The blooger shares how she appreciates the scanners ease of use and the fact that it provides peace of mind for new mothers who are unprepared for the difficulties in being a “in-house doctor.” She says, “We’ve been using this thermometer for a couple months now and it’s really easy to use, even for those technology challenged like me. It’s provided me with some reassurance during some recent illnesses at our house and is a must for every family’s medicine cabinet.”

To read the entire review please visit: http://twokidsandacoupon.com/2012/03/review-getting-accurate-readings-peace-of-mind-w-the-exergen-temporal-artery-thermometer.html

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