Sammi’s Blog of Life Reviews the Exergen Temporal Thermometer


Sammi of Sammi’s Blog of Life recently reviewed the Exergen Temporal Thermometer. Sammi describes how useful the thermometer is since babies can sometimes make it difficult to take their temperature. This is because the Exergen Thermometer can be used while the baby is sleeping. She goes on to say that the thermometer displays an accurate temperature reading in seconds. Sammi also explains that temporal artery thermometers are so accurate because the temporal artery is directly connected to the heart by the carotid artery, which provides constant blood flow for an accurate measurement.

Sammi goes on to explain how to use the thermometer and briefly outlines its features such as the light up display and eight reading memory. She closes the review by stating she feels “confident in taking my daughter’s temperature!”

See the full review at Sammi’s Blog of Life –