Hey Do You Blog Reviews Exergen TemporalScanner

Blogger Yvonne from HeyDoYou recently shared her tips for keeping her family healthy in her post titled “3 Reasons to Use Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer.” She notes, “Even though we are in the middle of summer, you can get sick or overheated anytime of the year.  There is a really easy tool everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.”

Yvonne highlights three of the product’s many selling features, including the fact that it’s comfortable to use with just a sweep across the forehead. In addition, its noninvasive, making it possible to use on sleeping individuals without waking them.  Finally, the blogger states “It is accurate! No more guessing what the red mercury line may or may not say! This digital read is 100% accurate and easy.”  Yvonne closes the review with explaining how the TemporalScanner Thermometer works and why the skin surface over the temporal artery is an ideal location to take temperature measurements.

Read the full Exergen Thermometer review