Kathy of Kathy’s Savings Reviews the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer

Kathy of Kathy’s Savings recently reviewed the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer. She begins by discussing how it’s inevitable that all children are going to get sick from time to time. She says “If you have to take care of a sick child, you’re going to want a thermometer that is going to work quick and easy.” For Kathy, the Exergen TemporalScanner is just that.

She loves how quick it is to get a temperature reading compared to under the tongue thermometers. She also believes the Exergen thermometer to be more accurate than other methods. Kathy had a tough time using other methods to get a temperature reading because her daughter’s would always move around. It would take a while for her to get an under the tongue reading because they wouldn’t stay still and the under the armpit method would tickle them, forcing them to move around. The Exergen TemporalScanner effectively solved these problems for Kathy.

In her review, Kathy also includes the four ways that the TemporalScanner makes taking a temperature easier, as well as several pictures of the product.


Read the Full Exergen TemporalScanner Review

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