Blogger Kelly of Kelly’s Lucky You recently reviewed the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer. She kicks off her review discussing how she has had problems finding a reliable thermometer. “Before I found the Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer I struggled to find a good solution to reading my new daughter’s temperature,” she writes. She notes that as a new mother, it’s critical to monitor for fevers as it’s a symptom of illness that should not be missed.
“I was thrilled when I found the Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer and have been using one for ten years for our whole family,” she writes. She notes how easy it is to use and how you don’t have to have perfect conditions to take a temperature, writing “You can use it on a sleeping child, a fussy child, even a protesting husband!” She also notes that the accuracy of the thermometer has been proven by a Harvard Medical School Study. “Good enough for me!”
Read the Full Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer Review